Old Forester 1920 Prohibition Style Bourbon 750ml
Old Forester Single Barrel Barrel Strength Rye
Old Forester Single Barrel Rye 128.8 Proof 750ml
Old Rip Van Winkle Special Reserve Lot B 12yr 750ml
Old Rip Van Winkle Lot B is a legendary and highly sought-after whiskey that embodies the epitome of American craftsmanship. With its deep amber hue, this expression offers an enticing aroma of caramel, vanilla, and oak, intermingled with hints of toasted nuts and spices. On the palate, it delights with a rich and velvety texture, unveiling flavors of toffee, butterscotch, and dark fruits, complemented by a gentle warmth. The exceptional complexity and long, satisfying finish make Old Rip Van Winkle Lot B a true gem among whiskeys, cherished by connoisseurs around the world.
Pappy Van Winkles 20yr 750ml
The #1 rated Bourbon Whiskey in the world with a 99 out of 100 rating by the World Spirits Championship. This bourbon is aged 20 years and bottled at 90.4 proof for a wonderfully smooth and rich profile. Pappy Van Winkle was a true character and like its namesake, this bourbon whiskey is full of character – quite a remarkable whiskey. Intense and tantalizing. Smooth with a citrus zest note. Some sherry notes, dried fruits and vanilla. The finish is long and elegant.
Rock Hill Farms Single Barrel Bourbon 750ml
Russells Reserve Bourbon 10 Year 750ml
Master distillers and premier whiskey makers Jimmy and Eddie Russell have brought nearly 100 years of combined experience to artfully crafting Russell’s Reserve 10 Year Old Bourbon. Bottled at 90 proof, this hand selected small batch bourbon has a rich, caramel and vanilla taste and a uniquely smooth finish.
Sazerac Rye 750ml
The One and Only New Orleans Original. Sazerac Rye Whiskey symbolizes the tradition and history of New Orleans. Rye Whiskey that dates back to the 1800’s, around the time when saloons, veiled as Coffee Houses, began lining the streets of New Orleans. It was at the Sazerac Coffee House on Royal Street where local patrons were served toddies made with Rye Whiskey and Peychaud’s Bitters. The libation became known as the “Sazerac” and America’s first branded cocktail was born. This is the whiskey that started it all.
Stagg Jr Bourbon 128.7 Proof 750ml
Thomas H. Handy Sazerac Straight Rye 130.9 Proof 750ml
Van Winkle 12 Year Special Reserve Lot B 90.4 Proof 750ml
PRODUCER'S NOTES: "Van Winkle Special Reserve is the perfect combination of age and proof. This sweet, full bodied whiskey has been described by some as 'nectar.' We agree! The 12 years of aging and medium proof of 90.4 seem to be just right in creating a very pleasant drink of whiskey. This fine bourbon can compete with any excellent cognac as an after-dinner drink. The overall impression is rich and deep."