Weller Antique 107 Bourbon 750ml
A wheated bourbon with a full-bodied flavor and a balanced palate. Old Weller Antique is bottled at 107 proof, offering a complex taste and bold finish. It's certainly a recognizable member of the Weller label, with its own unique characteristics to compliment the high proof.
TASTING NOTES - Sweet and unusual floral notes and coupled with vanilla. The taste is very well balanced with sweet fruit notes, strong vanilla undertone and sharp spicy tones, with a cinnamon finis
Weller Bourbon CYPB 750ml
Craft Your Perfect Bourbon is built by Bourbon fans and the overwhelming number of them chose a wheated recipe aged for eight years. Most chose for their barrel to mature on the top floor of the warehouse and ultimately be bottled at somewhere between 90-99 proof. So in response, Buffalo Trace Distillery will be releasing a new edition of W.L. Weller Bourbon called “CYPB,” short for Craft Your Perfect Bourbon.
WELLER C.Y.P.B. 750ml
A few years ago we asked whiskey drinkers to Craft Your Perfect Bourbon (C.Y.P.B.). Thousands chose wheated bourbon, just like William Larue Weller did years ago. This limited edition whiskey is the result of the overwhelming consensus a wheated recipe bourbon, aged on the highest warehouse floors for eight years